Andrew’s research examines: a) the impact of marginality on the health and life outcomes of ethnic minority populations, and b) the collective processes by which members of these populations are resilient in the face of marginality (e.g., counterspace involvement). Andrew was mentored by Carla Hunter and his dissertation title was: More than Meets the Eye: Exploring a Black Cultural Center as a Counterspace for African American College Students.
The purpose of the Society for Community Research and Action annual dissertation award is to identify the best doctoral dissertation of the year in the area of promotion of wellness.
Wellness is defined consistent with the conceptualization developed by Emory Cowen to include the promotion of positive well-being and the prevention of dysfunction.
Dissertations of high scholarly excellence that contribute to knowledge about theoretical issues or interventions are eligible for this award. The winners of both dissertation awards will each receive a prize of $100, a one-year complimentary membership in SCRA, and up to $300 in reimbursement for travel expenses in order to receive the award at the APA meeting.