04/19/2023 - Frederick joined our department recently and has been essential in keeping our technology running smoothly. So we figured it was time to introduce him to all of our friends of the program...
03/03/2023 - Dr. Maria Carillo (BS,' 91) is currently the chief science officer for the Alzheimer's Association. She is recognized internationally as an expert on the disease. Carillo oversees the Association's...
02/28/2023 - The Hastings Center fellows are a group of more than 200 individuals with outstanding accomplishments whose work has informed scholarship and public understanding of complex ethical issues in health...
02/17/2023 - Flyer created by Keely Dugan
02/15/2023 - Gary Wszalek has played a significant role in advising the students in our department for over the last twenty-two years. He strives to ensure each student is comfortable with their decision to...
02/06/2023 - Congratulations to Clinical-Community doctoral student Katie Kemp, advised by Professor of Psychology Thomas Kwapil, who has received a grant from the American Psychological Foundation to support her...
01/31/2023 - Congratulations to Psychology Professor Kara Federmeier, who has been elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science! Federmeier is an expert in cognitive neuroscience,...
01/27/2023 - Congratulations to Susu Zhang, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Statistics, who has been awarded an AERA-NSF grant! Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the...
01/26/2023 - The Psychology Department Diversity and Inclusion Committee are pleased to announce our Anti-racism Grant Fund, designed to support members of the psychology department in seeking financial support...
01/13/2023 - Jas Jacobson is our inaugural recipient of the “Advanced Research Opportunity Honors Fellowship.” This fellowship provides support over three semesters of undergraduate research conducted toward the...
01/04/2023 - Congratulations to Auburn Jimenez on being one of five students to receive the Dissertation and Research Grant from the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Auburn is currently pursuing...
12/20/2022 - Professor Aron Barbey and co-author Evan Anderson found that network neuroscience theory allows the most accurate predictions of intelligence. Click...
12/07/2022 - Congratulations to Industrial-Organizational doctoral student Chu Chu, advised by Assistant Professor of Psychology and Labor and Employment Relations Bo Zhang, who has received a grant from the...
12/06/2022 - Two of our invaluable members of the psychology department were recently recognized for their contributions by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Firmino Pinto receives the Academic...
12/06/2022 - Mindy started with the Office of Advancement in LAS about six months ago and has made an enthusiastic debut. We are excited to welcome her to the UIUC psychology family with a bit of Q &...